Welcome Back! The 2021 Scouting Season is On!

Thanks to everyone that was able to make the scheduling meeting this week.

Below are some of the highlights of the meeting.

New Committee Chair

  • We are looking for someone to take over as Committee Chair.

  • Sean O’Neill to step down at the end of the year. Please reach out to Sean if you are interested.

New Leaders

  • Chris Hanafin to help with Den 1.

  • We are looking for two Den Leaders for the Tiger Den. Please let us know if you are interested!


  • Back to School night recruitment event will most likely not happen.

  • We will ask the schools if we can send virtual messages to the students.

  • See if we can give flyers to schools to send home with BTS paperwork.

  • 1 interested scout for New Lion Den. Please let us know if you know of more interested!


  • We are not doing popcorn this year.

  • Here are some possible replacement fundraising activities we have in mind.

  • Pack 80 Chipotle Night

  • Day at Rita’s

  • WaWa Hoagie Coupons

Pack Meetings

  • To be held outside at a park, weather permitting.

  • Location is TBD.

  • Current BSA recommendation is to have outside or virtual meetings.

  • Masks required

  • Social distancing as much as possible

  • Families will need to bring their own chairs or blankets

Den Meetings

  • Dens will decide how best to run meetings.

  • The current BSA recommendation is to have outside or virtual meetings.

  • Can be done at park or leaders’ homes as long as leaders/parents are ok with it.

  • If Dens want to meet at a park, please let me know.

  • We need to get permits from the town.

  • Should be outside, weather permitting

  • Masks required

  • Social distancing as much as possible