Upcoming events January 2021

Good evening Pack 80!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. I wanted to reach out to you and let you know a few things.


First, I would like to thank Sean O’Neill for his hard work these past few years as Pack Committee Chair. He has done a lot of work to help keep the Pack running. Thank you, Sean, for your dedication and effort to Pack 80. Taking over the position of Pack Committee Chair is Ed Webber. Welcome Ed!


Secondly, I know that traditionally the big event in January is the Pine Wood Derby.  As with many of the events in the past year, we will need to make some changes to comply with COVID-19 regulations and safety measures.  In order to better plan, we are postponing the Pine Wood Derby until March. Additional information on this will be sent out at a later date. Think of it as more time to work on your car. If your scout has not received their PWD kit (it was included in their holiday present) please reach out to me.


Finally, in lieu of the Pine Wood Derby this month, we will be planning on a Pack hike on Saturday January 23rd (rain/snow date of Jan 30th). Additional info to follow. 

Thank you,

Andrew Tiplady

Cub Scout Pack 80
Somerville, NJ
PACK 80 Facebook Group