November Pack Meeting

Good evening Pack 80,

Our next Pack meeting will be Sunday, November 22 at 3pm in the parking lot behind the church at 48 W High St Somerville.

We will be announcing the winners of the Pumpkin Carving Contest at this time.


As with our previous few Pack meetings please remember:

·         Masks Required for all in attendance.

·         We will need to social distance as best we can.

·         You will need to bring your own chair.

·         We will not be providing drinks or snacks.

·         The bathrooms in the church are off limits to everyone. Please “go” before you arrive.

·         Please park your car in front of the church or across the street.


Also, don’t forget to register for the 2021 calendar year.  You can register at the link below. Registration and dues are required by Dec 1st.

Thank you,

Andrew Tiplady
Cub Scout Pack 80
Somerville, NJ
PACK 80 Facebook Group