2022 Registration Deadline

Dear Pack 80 Families and Scouts,

 At this time every year, we begin the process of ‘Rechartering’ the scouts and leaders in Pack 80. It is no secret that this past year has been tremendously difficult for youth organizations, particularly scouting. An activity, such as scouting, that is so reliant on in-person interaction, tactile exploration and the trial of new things was never designed to be run in a pandemic. I am so proud of the efforts of this past year and, in the end, I believe all of this has served to make us stronger.

 However, as I write this, one may be reflecting on the net benefits of participation in scouting versus the cost. Based on the past year, that may be a fair question. Additionally, for 2022 there have been fee increases from the BSA Organization. Yet, we do believe that there is great value in being a scout. I am happy to report that our scouting adventures are up and running this year! While the individual den’s are meeting, the classic pack events we have come to love, such as the Pinewood Derby, Graduation Campout, Summer Camp and much more are all on the schedule for this year. Finally, and most importantly, we are excited to provide a scouting experience that is rooted in tradition honoring the Scout Oath and Laws. Perhaps now, more than ever, as our young people navigate this broken and complicated world, the tenets of scouting become a valuable foundation to do “their best,” to serve one another, God and country and, to remain, “physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”


For our existing scouts and leaders:

2022 Fees

Cub Scout: $111.00 Membership  ($123.00 with Scout Life Magazine)

Leaders & Volunteers: $84.00


**All RETURNING Members must re-register using the Pack 80 Google Form, then Complete Payment**

Pack 80 Re Registration Form


Checks payable to: Cub Scout Pack 80

*Drop off to Pack Mailbox outside the Main Entrance to Immaculata High School.


Venmo: @PackEighty-SomervilleCubScouts

*Registration is not complete until payment is received.


If you are a new member, please visit our website for registration- New Member Registration

Please complete by 12/22/21

Sincerely in Scouting,

Ed Webber

Pack 80 Committee Chairman