Sept 4, 2021 Announcement

Good evening everyone,

I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe. I wanted to reach out and share some information with everyone.

  • First and foremost, if anyone is in need of shelter, clothing, food, etc, please do not hesitate to contact me. We have a large support system and we are here for you.

  • Our recruitment event that was scheduled for Monday during the bike race is canceled. If you know any families interested in joining Pack 80, please have them contact me.

  • Several of our Scouts will be selling lemonade, iced tea, and snacks tomorrow (Sept 5th) outside 15 Hamilton St Somerville from 11 am - 2 pm. The money they raise will be donated to flood victims.

  • Finally, I have been asked to share the following. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

There is a need for volunteers to assist several of our neighbors empty out their apartments that were completely flooded during the storm. If you are able, please meet tomorrow morning (9/5) at 10:30 am at the South Bridge Gardens (152 S Bridge St Somerville). Park on Southside Ave. Bring gloves, trash bags, masks (respirators would be better), old clothes, and boots. It is potentially dangerous due to debris and mold so children should not attend.

Stay safe,
Andrew Tiplady

Cub Scout Pack 80
Somerville, NJ
PACK 80 Facebook Group