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Committee Meeting

Pack 80 Committee Meetings will be held via Zoom on the second Tuesday of every month (unless otherwise noted). All are welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings. Leaders from each den should have a representative present.

All Pack 80 Leaders and Parents are welcome to attend committee meetings! In this difficult time, it would be helpful to hear from the Pack community to make decisions about programming. We have some work to do to move forward from the pandemic and the damage it has caused to youth programming. As we navigate the next steps, your input is appreciated.


  1. Call to Order

  2. Review of Minutes

  3. Treasurer's Report

  4. Communications

    1. Cub Master

    2. Troop 83

    3. Troop 84

    4. Committee Chair

  5. Committee Reports

  6. Advancement Chair

  7. Rechartering

  8. Webmaster

  9. Community Service

  10. Past events

  11. Upcoming Events

  12. Old Business

  13. New Business

  14. Next committee meeting