
Thank you

Money Raised For Charity $2,101.50

Signs Sold

UPDATE: 7/14/2020 - the somerville scouts have sold a total of 191 signs, we are only 9 signs away from our goal of selling 200 signs!

friends, FAMILIES and neighbors, thank you! with your support!


Help Support Local Food Banks

Dear Pack 80 Family and Friends,

As America continues the fight against COVID-19, food banks throughout the country are facing unprecedented shortages. As part of an effort to assist our neighbors in their time of need, Pack 80 will be selling signs of hope and appreciation for your lawn.

These signs show our support and gratitude to those on the frontline of the COVID-19 battle; the medical workers, first responders, and other essential workers, who have tirelessly put their own health at risk for the community.

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