Trailer Fundraising Campaign


The Campaign

Corbin B., formally of Pack 80, decided to start a fundraising campaign as his last contribution before leaving the Cub Scouts and heading over to Troop 83 BSA. Corbin has reached out to a number of Corporations that operate in or near Somerville, NJ to ask if they would help the Cub Scouts to continue the tradition of providing enriching activities for our youth. Please see below for the letter.

Corbin’s Letter:

My name is Corbin B., and I was an Arrow of Light Cub Scout from Pack 80 in Somerville, New Jersey. I am writing to you today for I want to know if you can help our pack purchase a new trailer for our future campout, as our current trailer is in disrepair and is undrivable.

We use our trailer for special events throughout the year, such as scouting for food (where we donated over 400 bags of food), allowing us to bring our tents, tables, and games to the Special Olympics, or to help transport our camping and cooking gear for our scouting adventures.

The cub scouts have taught me valuable ideals in life. For example. They helped me with cooperation and craftsmanship. It also taught me how to be a leader, and some tips about how to take care of myself in the wild.

A new trailer will help the future scouts of Pack 80 for many years to come.

If you can donate, please make the check payable to “Cub Scouts Pack 80” and write “Trailer Donation” in the memo and mail it to:

Cub Scouts Pack 80
℅ First United Methodist Church
48 W High St
Somerville, NJ 08876

Thank you for reading my letter and thank you in advance for your generosity.

Respectfully Yours,

Corbin B.
