Signs of Hope Donates $875 to Feeding Hands Food Pantry

Building on their initial success, the Scouts of Pack 80 and Troop 83 continued their “Signs of Hope” campaign.  With the help of Troop 83, Pack 80 was able to sell an additional 92 signs and raised an additional $875!

This time around, the money went to the Feeding Hands Food Pantry. According to Executive Director and Founder Lois Bennett, Feeding Hands is staffed by approx. 200 volunteers have distributed over 250,000 lbs. of food since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which have been donated by the community. The pantry operates out of Emmanuel Church, 100 Grant Ave. Somerville, NJ. More information regarding Feeding Hands can be found on their website at

In total, the Scouts were able to sell 192 signs and raised over $2100! This is more than double their initial goal of $1000. Pack 80 would like to thank everyone who donated as well as all the Scouts and parents who helped deliver the signs. You were able to help make a positive impact on our neighbors and community during this difficult time.

Signs of Hope Raised $1,227.39 for S.H.I.P.

SOMERVILLE, NJ - The Cub Scouts from Pack 80 in Somerville, NJ have been tirelessly and enthusiastically selling custom-designed lawn signs, which they have called “Signs of Hope”, to raise money for local food banks. In less than a week, the Scouts have sold and delivered 100 signs and raised over $1,227.39 for the benefit of the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program ( S.H.I.P.), headquartered in Somerville.

The signs were designed to show the Scouts’ support and gratitude to those on the frontline of the COVID-19 battle; the medical workers, first responders, and ALL other essential workers who have tirelessly put their own health at risk for the community.  For the protection of both Scouts and buyers, all sales and delivery have been non-contact. Scouts and their families have been installing these signs across Somerset county.

The idea for the fundraiser came from Pack 80’s Philanthropy Chairman, Jeff Bouquio. Jeff and his family wanted to find a way to help the people in his community who have been directly affected by COVID-19. The sign’s graphics were designed by Jeff’s daughter, 11-year-old Zoey Bouquio, a 6th grader from Immaculate Conception School.

When asked about the success of the fundraiser, Jeff stated “This is a tremendous opportunity for our youth to understand the importance of helping others. With all that is going on in the world today, the community has shown us all that there is hope for a positive future.” When Jeff was a Scout, he was taught to always help others if you can and are able to help. This tradition carries on with all the scouts from Somerville, NJ.

Owing to the initial success of their fundraising, Pack 80 hopes additional people in the community will support the Cub Scouts’ efforts by donating or purchasing signs. 

Pack 80 has teamed up with the Boy Scouts from Somerville to continue on and sell more signs in the hope to raise money for those in need.

Additional information on how to purchase a sign can be found on Pack 80’s website:

Pack 80 Treasure Matthew LaRoche and Assistant Cubmaster Andrew Tiplady present the first check from “Signs of Hope” profits totaling $1,227.37 to SHIP’s CEO Tom O’Leary

Pack 80 Treasure Matthew LaRoche and Assistant Cubmaster Andrew Tiplady present the first check from “Signs of Hope” profits totaling $1,227.37 to SHIP’s CEO Tom O’Leary

2020 Blue & Gold Banquet

Congratulations to all of Pack 80s Arrow of Lights from Den 6 who crossed over to BSA Troop 83 and Troop 84.

The following Scouts have earned the Highest Award in Cub Scouting

The Arrow of Light

Dylan Adickes

Corbin Bouquio

Devlyn Gaither

Johan Guzman

Hayden Meulenberg

Logan Rivera

Connor Schmidt

Brayden Von Spreckelsen

Pinewood Derby Recap

Thank you to everyone for coming out to our annual Pinewood Derby Race.

We had another great pinewood derby race. The kids did a fantastic job designing and building their cars. The race went off, the cars were face and furious, and there were more cheers than tears!

Pack 80 announced the top 3 popcorn sellers for the Pack. Each hard working scout was able to choose 1 lucky person to receive a whipped cream pie in the face. This year, for the first time ever, a scout chose another scout to receive the pie in the face! Those were both thrilled!

Winners of Awards

All American Logan Rivera
Best Looking Joe Cridge
Most Original Corbin Bouquio
Faster Looking Daniel Hanafin
Most Awesome Daniel Kennedy
Best Paint Job Nathan Gottlieb
Best Scouting Theme Henry Tiplady
Most Scout Made Derek Jordan

Race Results

Prelim Round

        "Average    "Avg. Speed
Place   Time"       (MPH)"      Last Name   First Name  Rank
1       3.1253      158.17      Bowers      Ryan        Wolf
2       3.1591      156.47      Bouquio     Corbin      AOL
3       3.1671      156.08      Fuson       Paul        Webelos
4       3.1769      155.6       Polanco     Mitchell        Webelos
5       3.186       155.15      Adickes     Dylan       AOL
6       3.1907      154.92      Buchannan       Michael     Bears
7       3.2114      153.92      Tiplady     Elizabeth       Bears
8       3.2132      153.84      Meulenberg      Hayden      AOL
9       3.2482      152.18      Danis       Keegan      Webelos
10      3.2569      151.78      O'Neill     JP      Webelos
11      3.2638      151.45      Von Spreckelsen     Brayden     AOL
12      3.2715      151.1       Millard     Declan      Tiger
13      3.272       151.07      Heilos      Ryan        Wolf
14      3.2825      150.59      Runyon      TJ      Webelos
15      3.2903      150.23      Hanafin     Daniel      Wolf
16      3.2906      150.22      Porrovecchio        Luca        Webelos
17      3.2913      150.19      Schipper        Robert      Lion
18      3.3002      149.79      Gottlieb        Nathan      Webelos
19      3.3022      149.69      MIntosh     Trevor      Lion
20      3.3164      149.05      Bowden      Chase       Webelos
21      3.3184      148.96      Yates       Johnathon       Bears
22      3.3255      148.65      Moriarty        Archie      Bears
22      3.3255      148.64      Bohach      Jaxon       Wolf
24      3.3288      148.5       McAleavy        Michael     Wolf
25      3.3323      148.34      Tiplady     Henry       Tiger
26      3.3453      147.76      Jain        Kevalin     Wolf
27      3.3498      147.57      Bowden      Carson      Webelos
28      3.3666      146.83      Vosk        Maileigh        Wolf
29      3.4095      144.98      O'Neill     Ryan        Bears
30      3.4172      144.66      Vroom       Benjamin        Wolf
31      3.4645      142.68      Cridge      Joe     Webelos
32      3.4762      142.2       Webber      Patrick     Wolf
33      3.4915      141.58      Loomis      Hektor      Wolf
34      3.5167      140.56      Sorace      Joseph      Lion
35      3.5259      140.2       Rivera      Logan       AOL
36      3.7527      131.72      Jordan      Derek       Wolf
37      3.8228      129.31      Britton     Benjamin        Wolf
38      3.8969      126.85      Naranjo     Sebastian       Bears
39      3.91        126.42      Kennedy     Daniel      Wolf
40      3.9906      123.87      Guzman      Johan       AOL
41      4.2949      115.1       Wells       David       Tiger
42      4.4797      110.35      Britton     Everson     Wolf

Grand Finals

1       3.1273      158.06      Bowers      Ryan
2       3.1599      156.43      Bouquio     Corbin
3       3.1702      155.92      Fuson       Paul
4       3.1751      155.69      Adickes     Dylan
5       3.1953      154.7       Buchannan       Michael
6       3.2168      153.67      Meulenberg      Hayden
7       3.2352      152.79      Danis       Keegan
8       3.2597      151.65      Millard     Declan
9       3.2703      151.15      Heilos      Ryan
10      3.2711      151.12      Tiplady     Elizabeth
11      3.2823      150.6       Schipper        Robert
12      3.2969      149.93      MIntosh     Trevor
13      3.3013      149.73      Hanafin     Daniel
14      3.312       149.25      Polanco     Mitchell
15      3.3175      149     Tiplady     Henry
16      3.3237      148.72      Yates       Johnathon
17      3.4313      144.06      Sorace      Joseph
18      3.9458      125.28      Wells       David

Pack 80 Raises $235.00 in Gift Cards for S.H.I.P.

The Scouts from Pack 80 Donated $235.00 in gift cards to ship to help families in need for the holiday. Thank you to all of our scouts.

About S.H.I.P.

SHIP, the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program, began operations on March 5, 1984 in response to the unheeded cry of the many women, children, and men who are in desperate need of emergency housing and associated services.  

SHIP is a faith based, interfaith, and community funded, assisted and supported, grassroots organization.

At SHIP we create programs and services that increase Somerset County and surrounding regions’ capacity to respond to the needs of the poor and working poor.


Clients coming to SHIP are in desperate need of help.  Many are the working poor.   They include those that suffer from homelessness or being near homeless.  Many are hungry or suffer from substance abuse dependency, HIV/AIDS, mental health issues, or neglect and isolation. 

Services are tailored to each individual's needs and vary in duration according to each individual or family situation.  SHIP provides this unique population with critically needed emergency interim services.  These services may include advocacy, emergency interim housing, interim counseling, and support services, that greatly enhance their chances of regaining their self-sufficiency again. SHIP is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the poor.  Clients are eligible to apply for all of SHIP's Programs and Services.