Signs of Hope Donates $875 to Feeding Hands Food Pantry

Building on their initial success, the Scouts of Pack 80 and Troop 83 continued their “Signs of Hope” campaign.  With the help of Troop 83, Pack 80 was able to sell an additional 92 signs and raised an additional $875!

This time around, the money went to the Feeding Hands Food Pantry. According to Executive Director and Founder Lois Bennett, Feeding Hands is staffed by approx. 200 volunteers have distributed over 250,000 lbs. of food since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, all of which have been donated by the community. The pantry operates out of Emmanuel Church, 100 Grant Ave. Somerville, NJ. More information regarding Feeding Hands can be found on their website at

In total, the Scouts were able to sell 192 signs and raised over $2100! This is more than double their initial goal of $1000. Pack 80 would like to thank everyone who donated as well as all the Scouts and parents who helped deliver the signs. You were able to help make a positive impact on our neighbors and community during this difficult time.