Den 6 - Stronger, Faster, Higher

Den meeting 3/18/19

Complete Requirements 1-3 and at least one other.

  1. Understand and explain why you should warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Demonstrate the proper way to warm up and cool down.

  2. Do these activities and record your results: 20 yard dash, vertical jump, lifting a 5 pound weight, push-ups, curls, jumping rope.

  3. Make an exercise plan that includes at least three physical activities. Carry out your plan for 30 days, and write down your progress each week.

  4. Try a new sport that you have never tried before.

  5. With your den, prepare a fitness course or series of games that includes jumping, avoiding obstacles, weight lifting, and running. Time yourself going through the course, and try to improve your time over a two week period.

  6. With adult guidance, help younger Scouts by leading them in a fitness game or games.